
Help Centre

Can my address and date of birth be hidden?

Your Address and Date of Birth

When incorporating a company in Companies House, you are required to provide details of the directors involved. You may be asked for your name, nationality, occupation, and date of birth. Some of your details will be made public.

Removing your personal information

In order for us to provide our products and services, we require and collect data from third party sources. We have legitimate interests to gather and process this personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Because of our lawful basis, we do not erase this data unless it affects the rights and freedoms of the individuals involved. You can learn more about this in our privacy policy.

Hiding my personal information

You can request to have any pages that contain your personal information removed from search engines such as Google and Bing. This will prevent any public individual from finding your details online. To learn more, please read the following article:

How do I remove my company or director profile from search engines?
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