
Help Centre

51³Ô¹Ï has incorrect information on me or my company. How do I update it?

Updating your information

Instructions on how to update your information depend on the type of information we hold and how we received it.

  • If the information is in connection to your account with 51³Ô¹Ï and provided to us by you directly, please see the "Information provided by you" section below.
  • If the information is in connection to your company or your directorship in a company, please see the "Information provided by a third party" section below.

If you're unsure how we received your information and therefore unsure how to update it, please contact us and we'll be happy to point you in the right direction.

You can learn more on how we collect and process your information in our privacy policy.

Information provided by you

From time to time, we will collect and store information provided by you such as your name or email address.

To update any information provided by you, you may:

  1. to your 51³Ô¹Ï Account and update your information from the Settings page. This is the quickest way to update your details.
  2. Alternatively, you may contact us and request to have your information updated. Our customer services team will be happy to update your details on your behalf.

Information provided by a third party

In order for us to offer our products and services, we require and collect data from third party sources.

To update any information provided by a third party, you should update your information on the third party database first. Our system will then automatically mirror the changes onto our database (this can take a few days). For instance, if you wish to change your company address, you will need to have Companies House update your address first.

If you are unsure which third party database you need to update, please contact us and we can advise you further.

Business contact information

As mentioned above, we source our business data from a number of authoritative sources. We also source various other data such as contact data like Email, Telephone, and Website data, from business directories and the companies themselves at times.

If you're a business owner seeking to update your business contact information, please see How do I update information for my business?
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