
Help Centre

How do I update information for my business?

Updating your contact information

We source our business data from a number of authoritative sources ranging from Companies House and the businesses themselves.

To update your business's details on 51³Ô¹Ï, including Website, Telephone, Email Address and more, you can do so through . To change your business's details, search for your company and click Update Info (this is found in the Contact tile within the Overview and People & Contacts sections of your business profile).

Updating other company information

Official information like Registered Company Name, Company Address, Financials, and more are sourced directly from Companies House, the official registrar of UK companies.

To update this information, please .

How often is contact information updated?

Learn more about how often different types of data, including contact data, is updated here:

How often does 51³Ô¹Ï update its data?
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