
Help Centre

People & Contacts tab


The People & Contacts tab displays the Directors & Secretaries of a company, including contact information like Trading Addresses, Website, Email and more.

  1. To begin, .
  2. Then search and open a Company Profile.
  3. Under your Company Profile tabs, click the People & Contacts tab.

Searching specific directors or secretaries in a company

  1. Scroll down to the People tile and locate the filter panel on the left side.
  2. Use relevant filters and narrow down your search to the directors or secretaries of interest.

Note: For smaller screens, click the filter icon in the right corner of the tile, select filters, and press Save Filters to apply your filters.

Browsing company trading addresses

  1. Scroll down to the Trading Address tile.
  2. Use the Location filter panel on the left side and narrow down your search to Trading Addresses of interest by their location.

Note: For smaller screens, click the filter icon in the top-right corner of the tile, select filters, and press Save Filters to apply your filters.

Viewing previous addresses of a company

  1. Locate the Previous Addresses tile.
  2. View Previous Addresses and learn where and when a company had moved registered offices.

Viewing previous names of a company

  1. Locate the Previous Names tile.
  2. Navigate dates and see when names changes took place.
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