
Help Centre

Personalising the Overview tab


The Overview tab is built to make company research faster by providing a comprehensive overview of companies at a glance. This tab summarises important information like Company Financials, Ownership, Credit information and more, allowing you to prioritise information that's important to you with personalisable tiles.

Make research faster by rearranging tiles

  1. Open .
  2. Search for a company and open their Company Profile.
  3. Click and hold the top of a tile.
  4. Drag the tile over to your preferred position in the page.
  5. Release the tile to successfully move your tile.

Note: If you would like to rearrange your entire page, it may be easier by clicking 'Customise Tiles'.

Viewing specific information by adding and removing tiles

  1. In the Overview tab, locate and click the Customise Tiles button in the far, top-right corner.
  2. Looking at the left side of the Customise Tiles panel, select the tiles you would like to add.
  3. Rearrange tiles by dragging and dropping them in your preferred order.
  4. Save your preferences by clicking Save Tiles.
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